Pronto was enjoying her day hanging around the shop and my humans noticed that, besides the fact that she was very well-mannered, she had on this interesting harness vest. This special harness, it turns out, is a special vest made in the USA called a Yap Harness which not only helps keep dogs from sweating (which is very important to us hairless dogs or those that tend to overheat) but the harness also had a quick attachment to snap into a car seat. Brilliant idea! I am not one for hearing the snap of anything close to my body, and my current harness has one of those "click" things that always make me jump. This super awesome harness they bought me, a bright orange one that makes my eyes stand out, and, by the way, is very manly on me, has Velcro instead. Seriously, this is so much nicer to use and super easy to put on. The best part of this harness is that you can attach a quick leash, buckle us in safely, or pick us up quickly in case another big dog heads our way. I'm not afraid of them, mind you, but my human gets a bit skittish. This is my new favorite harness to wear around and go for walks in. So, once my humans were sure they loved it on me as much as I loved it, they chatted with the Yap crew for more details. Sure enough, you can either check out their ultra cool store where you might get to meet Pronto and have a nice chat with his dad Liy who knows everything Yap or, if you don't happen to live in San Francisco, you can get one online. Score!!
By the way, there is a great add-on product they sale, the seatbelt. I love this because it easily clips to the top of the harness and then buckles right into your regular seat belt. Super easy and helps my humans to not have to loop the seat strap around my harness and I have a little more room to sit comfortably.
Photo: Pronto is an adorable, and very loved 7 year old Italian Greyhound. She enjoys long walks, and being pampered. Her favorite foods are carrots and salmon. She was also awarded the best mannered in her obedience school and now works as a super model for Yapstores. We think she makes a wonderful model.