Back to me... I mean, my topic on stings and bites. This is pretty common for all animals since we love to chase things that move and pick them up with our mouths. My bite is right on my nose. Ouch! So, my worried human parents did what every good dog friend does and called my favorite Vet. They were told that Benadryl was OK for me since I tend to have allergic reactions to insect bites. Make sure and check with your own Vet for advice and dosages. After two rounds of Benadryl, there was still not much luck with the swelling and I had developed a lump in my neck. So, off to the vet I went. My Doc is an awesome guy and he knows just how to handle me. I'm a bit of an Alpha, so he handles me with kindness, but is firm so I know he is the Alpha.
So, I want to pass on some of his advice if you find yourself in the same situation. Call your veterinarian first, as some of us dogs can have a pretty bad reaction. Ask them for advice on Benadryl and if they feel you should give it. My humans put ice on my bite, and I did not mind it since I really did not feel that well. I decided to check into a few websites that offer advice on pet emergencies so you can have it on hand in case of your own emergency. I also found an awesome app on pet first aid that you can download directly to your phone.
Dog symptom checker app: Itunes has a great app called dog-symptoms you can download.
Online vet questions: Check out They do charge for services, but they are upfront about the individual question asked and answered costs.