A Mystery Meal is easy to prepare, and you will have absolutely no idea how it will turn out! The game is set when both people individually pick up five items to use in preparing dinner. No cheating and telling each other what you are buying! You can go together to the grocery store but use separate checkout lanes. No peeking into each other's baskets! Then the object is to get together and prepare a meal from the ingredients you buy, and ONLY what you buy. Sure, you can use spices and condiments, but nothing else. Don't set boundaries such as, "You get the vegetables,” or “Let's make a chicken dish." Each person picks five random items he or she wants and in that way you can never tell what you will end up with. Make sure you take plenty of pictures as you build your creation. So you end up with only enough ingredients to make two desserts? Oh well. That would work in my house.
If sitting around staring at each other on Friday and Saturday nights has become pretty commonplace in your home and the last thing you want to do is get dressed up and go out, host a quick and easy, unplanned date night (or it can become a traditional family event) by making a Mystery Meal.
A Mystery Meal is easy to prepare, and you will have absolutely no idea how it will turn out! The game is set when both people individually pick up five items to use in preparing dinner. No cheating and telling each other what you are buying! You can go together to the grocery store but use separate checkout lanes. No peeking into each other's baskets! Then the object is to get together and prepare a meal from the ingredients you buy, and ONLY what you buy. Sure, you can use spices and condiments, but nothing else. Don't set boundaries such as, "You get the vegetables,” or “Let's make a chicken dish." Each person picks five random items he or she wants and in that way you can never tell what you will end up with. Make sure you take plenty of pictures as you build your creation. So you end up with only enough ingredients to make two desserts? Oh well. That would work in my house.
July 2021
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