Chicago is a city with lots of history and many fun, unique things to do. You can spend a week there and still not do it all. From Navy Pier to arguably one of the best science museums that I love to go to when I visit, The Museum of Science, you cannot possibly be lacking things to do.
So, on to what this post is actually about... Weird Tours! Chicago has such a vast and colorful history that it is no wonder someone creative came up with a "weird" tours company there. We are so excited! They have a unique list of tours available that changes monthly. Perhaps you are interested in a blood, guns, and a valentine's tour? This specific tour is described as a crime and ghost tour lasting three hours.
One of the tours that caught my interest is the "True crime and serial killer tour". I use to read a lot of true crime books and they would scare the heck out of me. I can't imagine how walking the real thing would be, but I am willing to try it out when I go. This month, they have several other options as well, including a ghost history tour as well as a roaring 20's adventure. For adults only, they have a few uniquely named tours as well, like "The red light tour". The best part about these tours is that they change so often that you can see a few different ones when you are in town. They offer private tours and bachelorette parties as well.
The list of weird activities available is pretty long, so check out their website for what will be available when you will be traveling there. These tours look like they sell out, as we found when looking over the available tours. Be sure to book early so you don't miss out when you are there.