Packing clothes should have been easy, but with Belgium’s weather you can never pack simple. We had a beautiful warm ride to Ramstein and a cold rainy ride home.
On our way to Ramstein we stopped in Liege, Belgium. What a cute town. I didn’t expect to see the Meuse River right in the center. We hadn’t been to Liege and thought it would be a nice rest stop. Ok, we really stopped to get a real Liege Waffle. Yep, it was delicious. However, the Liege waffle from our farmers market is still the winner. They serve it to you fresh off the waffle iron.
Our next stop was about an hour away in a town called St. Vith. It is a German-speaking town in Belgium. We stopped to fill up the tank before riding to our destination.
When we arrived to Ramstein Air Base I was in culture shock. I sat with the bags while Adam checked us into the lodge. As I was sitting I noticed that I could understand everyone’s conversation. People were dressed much differently than how Belgians dress and people were smiling as they were walking by. I know this might sound silly to some, but this was really strange to me.
Ramstein Air Base is huge. Our hotel room was pretty much in a mall that offers a variety of stores, and restaurants. It has a movie theater, a spa and an outdoor center with a rock-climbing wall.
The restaurant choices were not that great. We ended up eating at Chili’s. Oh, boy. The portions were huge! As we were eating I was doing some major people watching… Seeing people eating dinner in their workout clothes is something that does not happen in Brussels.
After dinner we went and saw Jurassic World. It’s been 8 months since we went to a movie. The movie was good and it was exciting to see in a theater.
The next day I had so much fun clothes shopping. Clothes’ shopping in Brussels is tough. It’s expensive and the clothes don’t fit me right. Winter is coming and I need clothes. Thank goodness for online shopping.
Although it was cold and rainy on our way home from Ramstein, it still was a beautiful ride. We went over so many bridges with huge canyons filled with villages and the entire ride had views of trees and greenery.