There are several companies that provide these trips from weekend get-a-ways to week long full immersion. You can easily find companies that cater from beginners to the more hearty advanced camps. Some companies are based on true outdoor survival and others to teach the art of skills such as crossbow clinics or archery.
If you cannot get away from home, this theme would make a fun guys day or night get together. Start by having survival themed foods such as grains and nuts, wild-game meats, and maybe a wildness berry fruit pie for dessert. Have everyone dress in their survival gear, throw in a few drinks and you have a party that the guys will all want to attend.
If you want to add in games, plan on something like the picture below where each person picks a random bag. Some guests become survivors, Others get attacked, (think zombie or something far-fetched so it stays lighthearted and fun) and two become the new-world President and Vice-President and win a prize.