Reason I started this: First, I wanted to see if I could do it. I love a good challenge and I had been interested in the program for a while. I also LOVE sweets. Granted, I usually paleo-ify my sweets but that does not change the fact that I am basically addicted to sweet things (my sweet tooth always wins). And knowing that, I wanted to fight back... I wasn't going to just let the cravings win! So I grabbed a buddy and started planning the detox. The theory is that you follow the plan and cut out anything that can spike your sweet or carb cravings. The book lays it out almost perfectly with recipes, a 21-day meal plan for if you want a set program that keeps you from having to think (this might be what I loved most. I tend to need help thinking of dinner ideas!). There are three levels, each more strict than the previous, that can be done based on your current lifestyle and way of eating. I chose level 3 because I am already on a primal diet. Wish me luck!
Prep day 0: Having gone to the grocery store yesterday in preparation for this sugar detox, I noted that the cost of food wasn't any more than what I would have normally spent on groceries. If you go to the right kinds of markets, veggies are really well priced and you do not have to break the bank to do this detox. This was a HUGE relief.
Day 1: January 29th. So far, I am pretty hungry, but due to good prepping I have eaten two meals and a snack. This is not always possible for me, so I count this as a success. Because I prepped egg muffins for breakfast and threw a roast in for dinner, all I had to cook was lunch. With help from my detox partner, lunch was a success with cauliflower line cilantro "rice", lemon chicken, and sauteed zucchini. I will not be posting the details of my food, in general, I just wanted to show you that I am eating well on the detox. Like I said, I am still pretty hungry and need to get past the first few days sugar/carb free, but the outlook seems good.
Hope this helps any of you looking into the program or something similar. Check back next Wednesday for how the first week went!