Plantains have many health benefits over other savory treats. They are very high in natural fibers and help with digestion. They have higher vitamin c than bananas and about 37% of your daily need of vitamin A. They also have pyridoxine, folate, and a significant amount of potassium. What a great change from a potato-based snack without loss of flavor and crunch!
There are many great ways to cook plantains (and they must be cooked to be eaten, please do not try to eat them like a banana!). They can be used as tortillas, as a modified baked potato, as traditional tostones, or simply baked like a chip! Below is a very easy and delicious way to cook your plantains.
Platain Chips:
Cook plantains whole (in peel) for 3 min in the microwave.
Peel using knife to vent (will be hot).
Slice in to 1/2 inch cut circes, and smash with a jar so flat.
Baste with olive oil, salt, and garlic then cook in ovem at 425* for 12 minutes. Turn in oven and cook until done.
Eat with guacamole or ketchup and enjoy!!