Play flying catch: Grab a football or a softer nerf ball and head to the water. One person sit in the water and throw the ball, with a good arch, into another part of the water. Have one person start outside the pool and jump into the pool to try to catch the ball as it flies through the air. Let both kids and adults play on both sides to get a great work out and have some competitive fun. As always, watch your kids around water and ensure the pool is deep enough to safely jump into. Explain to your kids how to jump far enough from the edge of the pool that they are safe. You can make this game more safe by both parties remaining in the pool and leaping from side to side within the water to catch the ball.
Relay races: Choose some "olympic" swim strokes and have the kids (and the adults too!) race back and forth across the pool to see who is fastest. You can also use pool toys or a ball to throw and see who can get to the item fastest and bring it back to the starting point. Making fitness competitive and playful allows people to forget they are even working out.
Muscle group swimming: Grab a float or a pool noodle and race around the pool using only your arms or only your legs (first to cheat loses!). It is a great way to exercise, get some sun, and laugh at all the different techniques people use to get around.
While many of these are common summer play for people, some people do not think of making the pool into a fitness game. Try these out and enjoy exercise with your kids this summer!