One game that can be played in the snow is a homemade bocce ball game. Take artificial food coloring and mix it with a bit of water. Put it in a spray bottle and make a ring in the snow. One on each side of the play field. Now, find 6 balls, any size depending on how big you want to make the circle. Split up the teams in two and try to land all three of your balls in the circle. The other team then tries to knock them out. Play to 21 points. How dense the snow is will determine the weight of the ball you use. Normal bocce balls can be a bit heavier, so consider the plastic air balls if it is too powdery.
Another game you can play is called "Around the Court". The "Court" is any rectangle area that can include your street or even just around your property line. One person stands in the middle of the play area with their hands next to their face making a blinder. That way, they can only see what is directly in front of them. The middle person counts to 10 (or 20 depending on the length of the field that must be run) in one direction, and then turns clockwise, anyone they see in their vision they call out "Micky, I see you behind the tree". The purpose of the game is to get all the way around the play area without getting called out. You can hide behind things, bury yourself in the snow or find ways to camouflage yourself from the middle man. The game finishes when one person gets around the court or all players are spotted. The first person out is the next middle man.
Do you have any creative games that you play in the snow? If so, please leave a comment for our other viewers.